Closed For Staff Training

staff training

1pm Tuesday 17th September

and Reopen

8am Wednesday 18th September.

Please Call 111 If You Need Any Help


The Dyneley House Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of volunteer patients who provide feedback to the Doctors and Staff, helping us to introduce and improve services.

The PPG has helped design this survey to gather the views from as wide a range of patients as possible and we would like to invite you to contribute.  This is the first Patient Satisfaction Survey we have issued since 2021 and to ensure that the information we gather is relevant, please base your responses on your experiences during the last 12 months only.

The results of the survey will be published in the Practice and on our website and will be used as a basis for an action plan aimed at improving services, treatment and care for the patients of Dyneley House.

Appointment times

We offer patients a range of appointment times – please tick all of the appointment times you are aware of, even if you have not necessarily used them

Coming into the Practice

How often, in the past 12 months have you visited Dyneley House Surgery?

Our Telephone system

Please answer the question only based on calls you have made to us since November 2022 as we installed an innovative new phone system that month.


Contacting the surgery about medical issues or with administrative queries via our website

Contacting the Surgery to speak to a Clinician
Face to face consultations with a Clinician

Please tell us about face to face appointments you have had with Doctors or Advanced Care Practitioners (ACP) – if you have not needed a face to face appointment in the last 12 months, please skip this question

Self Care

This is an important aspect of everyone’s healthcare, and we aim to provide information and support to our patients

If you would like to know more about these support groups or groups supporting different conditions – please contact the surgery and ask to speak to a member of our Social Prescribing Team.

Accessing Dyneley House Surgery
Other information
Patient Participation Group

If you are interested in being contacted by a PPG member, please provide your preferred contact details and confirm you are happy for this information to be passed to the group

About you

Please tick the category which best describes you – if you prefer not to answer any of the questions, please leave this section blank

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Opening Times

Monday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Tuesday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Thursday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Friday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed